Terms & Conditions

The Agreement being entered into is between you [your legal name], which you will enter upon checkout, and me, Jayne Anne Ammar with Health on Your Terms, LLC.

General Description

Coaching is a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Coach and the Client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal mental, physical, and emotional health and well-being.

Client-Coach Responsibility & Integrity

  • By entering into a coaching relationship with one another, we are both agreeing to hold ourselves to a high level of integrity and accountability.

  • Coaching is an unlicensed and unregulated industry. While I am a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness coach, I am not a therapist and I do not diagnose or treat conditions. Coaching is to be used on an at-your-own-risk basis and is never recommended as a substitute for therapy.

  • If you have been diagnosed, or are in treatment for, a mental health-related condition, you are advised to continue with that treatment.

  • By entering into a coaching relationship with me, you understand and acknowledge that you are solely responsible for your own choices and that no guarantees or outcomes are being promised as a result of coaching. Before proceeding with any of the suggestions made during our coaching sessions, you are encouraged to seek the advice or second opinions of the professionals of your choosing.

Payment & Scheduling

  • Your electronic signature at checkout indicates your approval of both the fee and the terms and conditions herein.

  • We are agreeing to work together for eight total coaching sessions over a span of no longer than 3 months.

  • The initial 60-minute coaching sessions will take place on the agreed-upon start date.

  • The subsequent 45-minute coaching sessions will be held weekly for the next 7 sessions.

  • All eight sessions must be used within a maximum of 90 days from the date of purchase.

  • It is your responsibility to schedule the sessions using my electronic calendar, provided upon receipt of payment.

  • All calls will take place via Zoom, unless you prefer phone and you let me know that is your preference.

  • Sometimes technology issues happen; unfortunately, we cannot extend the time of sessions in those cases when you experience difficulties with your internet connection or mobile phone. Please be sure to have a backup method of communication.

Lateness & Rescheduling

  • If you are late to your session, we will use the remaining session time. I will wait 15 minutes before ending the session if I have not heard from you.

  • If you know you can’t make a session with at least 24 hours notice, please let me know and we can reschedule. Without at least 24 hours notice, rescheduled sessions are only able to be rescheduled at my discretion and due to my availability.

  • No refunds can be given for sessions that you miss due to not showing up without notice or failure to schedule or reschedule a session within that month.

  • For your safety, I am not willing to conduct a session if you are driving a vehicle. Please text or call to let me know you are running late, and then get yourself to a good place to hold your session. Call me back and we will pick up with the remaining session time.


I maintain confidentiality for all of my clients, with the following exception(s):

  • If you share that you are in the process of, or are planning to, hurt yourself or someone else, I will break confidentiality by any means necessary in order to ensure no one is harmed; it is also possible that I will need to break confidentiality if required to do so by law; finally, it is highly unlikely, but always possible that my computer or email will be hacked, in which case, confidentiality could be inadvertently compromised.

  • For the Overcome Emotional Eating Program, I may anonymously share feedback on our work with both my training supervisors and the training group I am part of – a group of a maximum 8 practitioners. Our live group training calls are confidential and are never recorded. We do not use any identifying information about clients in our presentations and do not share any unnecessary details with the group. The feedback we are expected to give is always oral only, no written notes are shared. The spoken feedback we give is primarily on the material I share with my client, how both myself and the client experienced the sharing of that material, any relevant responses to the material from the client, and if anything arises that I am unsure about.

TO CONFIRM your acknowledgment that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement, please enter your legal name as prompted at checkout when you enroll.