Overcome Emotional Eating Program

Feel proud of how you're living and taking care of your body

This personalized coaching experience is designed for people who would like to understand and prevent emotional eating/binges. If you're looking for a sustainable way to feel healthier and naturally eat less sweets, without getting stuck in a binge-restrict cycle, this is for you.

What if you could eat healthy without adhering to any hard and fast rules or following someone else's diet plan?

That's exactly what's possible when you do the practical and deeper work in the Overcome Emotional Eating Program. Sound too good to be true? Let's explore an example together.

Picture this, you've created a consistently loving and caring relationship with food, your weight, and your body image.

You have more energy, naturally gravitate to foods that nourish you physically and mentally, and don't feel compelled to always try to control what you eat.

Sugar has lost its power over you. You can take it or leave it depending on how you feel that day, without over thinking it. You trust yourself and are feeling more confident in your body and proud of yourself for how far you've come.

You finally feel free and have time to think about other things.

Let's be honest. You've done all of the diets and meal plans, but nothing has worked long-term. You lose some weight, you gain some weight, and then you start it all over again.

That's not going to happen here, because we'll be doing the practical work on the surface as well as go deeper to get to the root. We'll be tracking your progress to support you in changing your behavior around food and eating so you can finally feel at peace with this area in your life. - Jayne Anne

  • The Eating Freely™ Framework

  • Personalized 1:1 support with 8 individual sessions

  • Practical tools to teach you how to respond to triggers with different behaviors

  • Explore current ways of coping and practice healthier solutions to deal with stress and difficult emotions

  • Learn new ways to communicate your needs, manage boundaries, and deal with conflict.

  • Gentle Accountability - checking in at the beginning of each session with your best experience and what you learned that week

Here's what you receive when you enroll in Overcome Emotional Eating Program:

Cognitive behavioral therapy

  • Reduce episodes of Binging and Emotional Eating

I'll guide you every step of the way through the 4 pillars of Eating Freely™ Program:

Nutritional Rehabilitation

  • Rehabilitate your gut and health through Nutritional Therapy


  • Reset your brain by teaching you how to break Autopilots and Habit Loops

Mindfulness & Self-Compassion:

  • Re-Program that negative critical voice in your head to be kinder.

Why coach with me?

I'm a certified Health & Wellness Coach and a certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.

  • Going deep, facing hard emotions, and getting to the core is my thing.

  • I help you to break down changes into tiny, doable steps.

  • I've done this work too, and have used food in all different ways - eating too much and too little to feel safe but ultimately leaving me feeling out of control.

  • I’m studying for a specialty certification and need case study clients to use the new materials I am learning. You will receive this new program at a discount from my regular fees.

How you will be supported on this journey:

8 individual coaching sessions will be held weekly over Zoom.

Start date: First week of October

60-minute first session.

The next 7 sessions are 45 minutes each week.

End date: End of November

Overcome Emotional Eating is for you if:

  • you think you know how to eat healthily, but

  • you find it hard to stick to it.

  • you eat to soothe emotions, which puts you in a shame loop

  • you know you're coming out of a season where you've been using food to cope

  • you want to rely less on sugar

Things to consider before enrolling:

Please review my Terms and Conditions.

I’m interested, what’s next?

If this is resonating with you, I’d love to hear more about you. Let’s schedule a time to chat and see if we would be a good fit for working together.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Choose to pay in full or opt for monthly payments.


Paid in Full



3 Monthly Payments

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